Apartment 11 Producer One of Six Selected to Participate in the Whistler Film Festival’s Feature Project Lab

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Apartment 11 Productions has been chosen to take part in the Whistler Film Festival’s Feature Project Lab with the young adult adventure story BONECHILLER, based on the novel by Graham McNamee and written by Imran Zaidi. The annual WFF Feature Project Lab is an intense two-phase business and creative content development experience for Canadian producers presented by WFF in association with Telefilm Canada.

Producer Michael Solomon will join five other producers from across Canada for Phase I which will take place in Whistler over four days from June 22 to 25, 2015 and include four months of ongoing feedback and project development with advisors.

Focused on strengthening dramatic feature projects from script to screen, the WFF Feature Project Lab is intended to advance a producer’s dramatic feature project, facilitate relationships and investment in feature film projects that have US and international appeal.

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