Braindamadj’d … Take II wins ‘Picture This…’ Award

 In Archived News

Braindamadj’d …Take II has won an award from the « Picture This… » film festival, Canada’s first and biggest international disability film festival, otherwise known at PTF. The film will be presented during the festival’s run from February 6 – 10, 2006 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Braindamadj’d…Take II

He was a world traveler and bon vivant who enjoyed the company of hippie chicks and fellow artists. So, how does a creative maverick like this – with a sexy job in the fast-paced world of television deal with traumatic brain injury? Ask Paul Nadler, an award winning television director and producer. Nadler confounded the medical community’s expectation as « Braindamadj’d… Take II » showcases Nadler’s innate drive to thrive.

Congratulations to everyone for their hard work!

Braindamadj’d…Take II will air on CBC Newsworld on The Lens on March 14th at 10pm, 1am and 4am Eastern time with repeats on Saturday March 18th at the same times.

Braindamadj’d…Take II was produced in association with CBC Newsworld, RDI and the Knowledge Network . It was made possible with the financial participation of the Canadian Television Fund: Equity Investment and License Fee Programs created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable Industry, Quebec Tax Credit Program administered by SODEC and the Canadian film or Video Production Tax Credit.

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