Braindamadj’d…Take II Wins a Canadian Association of Broadcasters Gold Ribbon Award and a Golden Panda Award at the 9th International Sichuan TV Festival

 In Archived News

Montreal, November 6, 2007 – The winning streak for Apartment 11 Productions’ documentary, Braindamadj’d…Take II continues. At this year’s Canadian Association of Broadcasters Awards (CAB) it took away the Gold Ribbon in the Specialty/PAY/PPV category. It has also won a Golden Panda Award at the 9th International Sichuan TV Festival in China.

The Gold Ribbon Awards pay tribute to achievements in broadcasting in various categories including community service, breaking news, humour, public affairs and promotion of Canadian talent. A total of 544 submissions were received for the 2007 Gold Ribbon Awards. Similarly, the Golden Panda Awards honour quality programs that touch upon topics dealing with technology, history, and present-day societal issues such as poverty, war, the environment, politics, and health.

Braindamadj’d…Take II is at once an edgy and touching documentary that follows the excruciating and remarkable recovery of Paul Nadler. In 1994 at age 30, Nadler, a creative force in the Montreal television industry, suffered Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in a car accident. Found naked and on the verge of death on a roadside in Egypt, he had little hope of survival, let alone recovery of speech or movement. Despite the negative prognosis, Nadler fought and regained his movement, his speech, and his artistic flair – not only confounding his doctors, but also creating « a wildly inventive film about his experience. »

Braindamadj’d… Take II is produced by Jonathan Finkelstein of Apartment 11 Productions in association with CBC Newsworld. Commissioning editor of The Lens is Andrew Johnson. The film was produced in association with CBC Newsworld and with the participation of RDI and the Knowledge Network. It was made possible with support from the Canadian Television Fund: Equity Investment and License Fee Programs created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable Industry, Quebec Tax Credit Program administered by SODEC and the Canadian film or Video Production Tax Credit. The documentary is represented internationally by Smiley Film Distribution.

About the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB)
The Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) is the national voice of Canada’s private broadcasters, representing the vast majority of Canadian programming services, including private radio and television stations, networks, specialty, pay and pay-per-view services. The goal of the CAB is to represent and advance the interests of Canada’s private broadcasters in the social, cultural and economic fabric of the country.

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