C’est Wow Nominated for L’Alliance Médias Jeunesse’s Prix d’excellence 2016

 In News

The jury has spoken! C’est Wow, Apartment 11’s French-language educational program about math and geometry has been nominated for a Prix d’excellence from L’Alliance Médias Jeunesse. The episode “Cônes” has been nominated for Best Television Series or Web-series in the category of Knowledge Acquisition and Development of Critical Thinking.

Winners will be announced at the 2016 Prix d’excellence Gala, to be held on May 17 at CBC/Radio-Canada in Montreal.

L’Alliance Médias Jeunesse, also known as the Youth Media Alliance, seeks to enrich the lives of Canadian children and teens by helping improve the quality of the content created for them on all screen-based media. The Alliance pursues its mission of encouraging high-quality content by presenting annual awards of excellence to the best productions targeting young English and French-speaking Canadians

View the full list of nominees here: http://bit.ly/22yxeJu.


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