Finding Stuff Out Premiering September 1st

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Get ready for an all NEW season of Finding Stuff Out premiering on TVOKids September 1st.

Watch as Harrison Houde stops at nothing to find out the answers to real-kid questions. See what happens when Harrison learns how to program a robot, handles a live crocodile, gets to drive an actual Ferrari and even puts a police dog to the test!

Here are some of the exciting new episodes airing in September:

How Things Break Monday, September 1st at 5:30pm
Reptiles Monday, September 8th at 5:30pm
Pets Monday, September 15th at 5:30pm

And more! Tune in every Monday at 5:30 pm!


Hungry to find out even more stuff? Check out the latest issue of the Finding Stuff Out e-zine, “Defying Gravity” and discover how we and other animals keep ourselves from slamming face-first into the ground! Available now at

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