C’est Wow a Prix Gémeaux Finalist for Best Research in the Youth Category

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cest-wow-01Researchers Lisa Hunter, Ramelle Mair and Heidi Miller were named as 2015 Prix Gémeaux finalists for Best Research in the Youth category. In the nominated episode entitled “Aerodynamics”, viewers find out why some shapes go through air better than others.

The Prix Gémeaux honour French Canadian achievements in Canadian television. Winners will be announced as of September 18, 2015. For a complete list of the 2015 finalists, click here.

C’EST WOW is an educational television series for kids ages 6-9 that uses songs, skits, and wacky challenges to help host, Jean-Francois, and his mischievous robot cat find the answers to mathematical mysteries. The series was produced by Apartment 11 Productions and aired on TFO earlier this year.

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